Republican Congressman Accuses DOJ of Double Standards in Threat Prosecution

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 8 days ago

Republican Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana claims that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) refused to pursue prosecution against a man who made explicit threats to him and his family.

In a letter sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland in December, Banks expressed concern over the DOJ's decision not to prosecute Aaron Thompson, who left threatening voicemails for the congressman.

Thompson's messages included explicit threats of violence, such as "Three daughters. Hey, hey, hey, three bullets hey, hey, hey one wife yay. Oh yeah, yeah, we'll give her two bullets."

FBI agents visited Thompson's house, where he admitted to threatening Banks and his family due to political disagreements. However, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana declined to prosecute despite clear evidence that Thompson violated federal law.

Banks questioned why the DOJ did not pursue prosecution in his situation when similar threats made against California Representative Eric Swalwell were prosecuted. He also noted that Garland has made it a priority to prosecute threats to members of Congress.

The congressman's concerns come as the Biden administration has faced criticism for perceived double standards in the justice system. Recently, the DOJ issued a press release congratulating themselves for locking up a man who sent violent threats to Representative Maxine Waters.

Banks, who is running for the open Senate seat in Indiana, has called for accountability and equal treatment under the law. He has also expressed concern over the radical left's efforts to persecute police, release violent criminals, and teach children to hate America.

As the 2024 election approaches, Banks' concerns highlight the importance of holding elected officials accountable and ensuring that all Americans are treated equally under the law.
