is not the publisher or author of any works posted by its members. It is a passive service for storage and dissemination of the works that members may choose to post and distribute via disclaims all copyright and ownership in such works and all responsibility for them. Although it cannot make an absolute guarantee of system security, takes reasonable steps to maintain security. If you have reason to believe system security has been breached, contact staff for help. If technical staff finds that files or processes belonging to a member pose a threat to the proper technical operation of the system or to the security of other members, reserves the right to delete those files or to stop those processes. If technical staff suspects an account is being used by someone who is not authorized by the account holder, may temporarily disable that account in order to preserve system security. In all such cases, will contact the member as soon as feasible. reserves the right to refuse service to anyone and to cancel an account at any time. is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. will not be liable for incidental or consequential damages at all or for other damages. Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Member You are legally and ethically responsible for any works - writings, files, pictures, or any other work - that you post or transmit using any of's services or any other service that allows interaction or dissemination of information. In posting works on, you are responsible for honoring the rights of others, including intellectual-property rights (copyright, patent, and trademark), the right to privacy, the right not to be libeled or slandered. For example, if you wish to post a copyrighted work on, you are responsible for obtaining the copyright holder's permission first. Under US law, you retain copyright on all works you create and post to, unless you choose specifically to renounce it. In posting a work on, you authorize other members who have access to that service to make personal and customary use of the work, including creating links to it, but not otherwise to reproduce or disseminate it unless you give permission for such dissemination. You also give permission to to copy your works as part of the normal server backup process. You have the right to remove any of your works from at any time. If you have a complaint about the behavior or posts of another member, it is your responsibility to attempt to resolve the conflict, typically by contacting that person directly. If that doesn't help, and your complaint is about interactions or your work, you should also feel free to contact staff. Normally, staff will not take a role in mediating conflicts between you and other members. does not take responsibility for your behavior or that of other members of the system. However, a member has the right to expect not be bothered by others against his or her will. For this reason, you can contact staff for help. Illegal activity under the laws of the United States using your account is a violation of this agreement. Since the law as to jurisdiction of online systems is unsettled, we urge you to consider the possible effect of laws outside's locality or your own residence. is open to members worldwide (and works published on the World Wide Web, Usenet, or other such services are accessible to anyone on the Internet), and cannot guarantee that you won't run into legal trouble from other jurisdictions over your works. You agree to help protect your account and the security of other members by guarding your password. If you have reason to believe your password has been compromised or there has been any unauthorized use of your account, contact staff as soon as possible. You agree not to use the system for illegal activity or for violating the privacy or security of other members. You agree not to post stories, poems, or other literary works that would normally require approval via the story validation process in your bio or in a series that contains no approved stories. Doing so will result in deletion of your account for violation of the rules. You agree not to read stories rated R or NC-17 unless you are 18 or older. Registration is required for access to those stories and by registering you are indicating that you are 18 or over (or of the age of legal consent in your country of residence). You may cancel your account at any time by contacting reserves the right to change the terms of this agreement. may assign and delegate its rights and obligations to any successor to all or part of its business or assets. This agreement supersedes all other agreements or understandings regarding this subject matter, and is governed by the internal laws of the United States.