CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Exposed: Hunter's Laptop Suppression

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 94 days ago

House Report Reveals CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign to Suppress Hunter's Laptop

A new report from the House Judiciary Committee's Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has revealed that the highest levels of the CIA colluded with the Biden campaign to mislead American voters ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

The report, titled "The Intelligence Community 51: How CIA Contractors colluded with The Biden Campaign to Mislead American Voters," details how then-CIA Director Gina Haspel was made aware of a public statement by 51 former intelligence officials that claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."

The statement, which was signed by former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell and other intelligence officials, was released just days after the New York Post published a report detailing how Hunter Biden used his father's position and influence for personal gain.

The report reveals that some of the statement's signatories, including Morell, were on active contract with the CIA at the time they issued the statement. This raises concerns that they may have abused their positions and embroiled the agency in domestic politics.

The report also notes that the signatories' decision to leverage their former intelligence community titles to promote a narrative about foreign election interference improperly embroiled the agency in domestic politics.

This latest revelation comes as Republicans gear up for the midterm elections, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee making nearly $10 million in TV and digital ad reservations in Michigan. The move is a signal that national Republicans are serious about investing in Michigan's Senate race this fall, even though the state isn't considered a top-tier contest.

Republicans are hopeful that they can flip the Senate seat currently held by Democrat Debbie Stabenow, who has been in office since 1994. The GOP is backing former U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers of Brighton for the seat.

Meanwhile, in South Carolina, Republican nurse practitioner Sheri Biggs defeated Trump-backed candidate Pastor Mark Burns in a runoff election for the state's third Congressional district. Biggs, who was endorsed by South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, is projected to win the seat in November as it is in a conservative district.

The winner will replace incumbent GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan, who decided in January not to seek reelection. Duncan said that it was time for new leadership and "fresh ideas" in South Carolina's third district.

As the midterm elections approach, Republicans are hoping to capitalize on the latest revelations about the CIA's collusion with the Biden campaign. The party is also looking to flip key Senate seats and maintain control of the House.


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