RFK Jr. Hosts 'The Real Debate' Challenging CNN Exclusion

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

RFK Jr. to Host "The Real Debate" During Trump-Biden Debate

In a bold move, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced that he will be hosting "The Real Debate" during the upcoming Trump-Biden debate on Thursday night. This comes after CNN excluded RFK Jr. from the debate, citing that he does not meet the criteria for participation.

RFK Jr.'s campaign has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, accusing CNN, Biden, and Trump's campaigns of violating federal election law. The complaint alleges that CNN is making prohibited corporate contributions to both campaigns, and that the Biden and Trump committees have accepted these contributions.

The Kennedy campaign has not provided many details about how the solo debate will unfold, but it has been confirmed that it will be streamed on "X" and TheRealDebate.com from a studio in Los Angeles. Unlike the Trump-Biden debate, "The Real Debate" will have a live audience. The event will take place at 9 p.m. Thursday, the same time as the Trump-Biden debate.

RFK Jr.'s decision to host his own debate has been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised him for taking a stand against what they see as unfair treatment by the mainstream media, while others have criticized him for attempting to undermine the official debate.

Regardless of one's opinion on the matter, it is clear that RFK Jr.'s move has added an interesting twist to the upcoming debate. With both Trump and Biden set to face off on Thursday night, it remains to be seen how "The Real Debate" will impact the overall narrative of the election.

In related news, RFK Jr. has predicted that Trump will win the CNN debate against Biden. This prediction comes as a surprise to many, given the fact that RFK Jr. is not a supporter of Trump. However, he has expressed concern about Biden's ability to effectively debate the former president.

As the election season continues to heat up, it is clear that there will be no shortage of surprises and unexpected developments. With "The Real Debate" set to take place alongside the official Trump-Biden debate, it is sure to be an interesting night for political observers.
