California's Self-Destructive Trajectory: A Warning to the Nation

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 94 days ago

The once-golden state of California is facing a grim reality as it grapples with a spiraling budget deficit, despite a recent $98 billion budget surplus. Governor Gavin Newsom, who was entrusted with this windfall, has managed to turn it into a growing $45 billion budget deficit in just a year.

This fiscal mismanagement is occurring against a backdrop of an over-regulated, overtaxed, and sputtering economy. Newsom's spending spree has focused on new entitlements, illegal immigrants, and untried and inefficient green projects, rather than addressing the state's pressing economic issues.

California's water crisis is another symptom of its self-destructive trajectory. Despite enjoying two of the wettest years in recent history, Newsom and radical environmentalists have squandered the water bounty. Snowmelts and runoff designated for agricultural irrigation have been drained from aqueducts and reservoirs, flowing out to sea instead.

Newsom's administration has also made the controversial decision to transfer millions of dollars designated for building dams and aqueducts for water storage, and instead used the funds to blow up four historic dams on the Klamath River. These dams, now destroyed, once provided clean, green hydroelectric power, irrigation storage, flood control, and recreation.

The state's social welfare system is also under immense strain. California hosts one-third of the nation's welfare recipients, with nearly half the nation's homeless sleeping on the streets of its major cities. The state's downtowns are dirty, dangerous, and increasingly abandoned by businesses that cannot rely on a defunded and shackled police force.

Newsom's California has spent billions on homeless relief and subsidizing millions of new illegal migrant arrivals across the state's porous southern border. However, these efforts have only resulted in more homeless and more illegal immigrants, further burdening the state's already overtaxed and broken healthcare, housing, and welfare entitlements.

The state's minimum wage for fast-food workers was raised to $22 an hour, leading to wage inflation rippling out to all service areas, unaffordable food for the poor, and massive shut-downs and bankruptcies of fast food outlets.

California's universities are hotbeds of ethnic, religious, and racial chauvinism and infighting. State officials have done little as its campuses were plagued for months by rampant and violent anti-Semitism.

Almost nightly, the nation watches mass smash-and-grab attacks on California retail stores. Carjackers and thieves own the night, rarely caught, even more rarely arrested—and almost never convicted.

Currently, Newsom is fighting in the courts to stop the people's constitutional right to place on the ballot initiatives to restore penalties for violent crime and theft.

As California implodes, its embarrassed government turns to the irrelevant, if not ludicrous. It now outlaws natural gas stoves in new homes and is adding new income-based surcharges for those who dutifully pay their power bills—to help subsidize the 2.5 million Californians who simply default on their energy bill with impunity.

The once-beautiful California paradise is now a purgatory, a test case of the suicide of the West. Millions of productive but frustrated, overtaxed, and underserved middle-class residents have fled to low-crime, low-tax, and well-served red states in disgust. In turn, millions of illegal migrants have swarmed the state, given its sanctuary-city policies, refusal to enforce the law, and generous entitlements.

Meanwhile, a tiny coastal elite, empowered by $9 trillion in Silicon Valley market capitalization, fiddled while their state burned. California became a medieval society of plutocratic barons, subsidized peasants, and a shrinking and fleeing middle class. It is now home to a few rich estates, subsidized apartments, and unaffordable middle-class houses.

California suffers from poorly ranked public schools—but brags about its prestigious private academies. Its highways are lethal—but it hosts the most private jets in the nation. The fantasies of a protected enclave of Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, and the masters of the Silicon Valley universe have become the abject nightmares of everyone else.

In sum, a privileged Bay Area elite inherited a California paradise and turned it into purgatory. The state's fiscal mismanagement, water crisis, social welfare strain, and lawlessness are all symptoms of its self-destructive trajectory. As California continues to implode, it serves as a stark warning to the rest of the nation about the dangers of unchecked liberal policies.


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