Biden Campaign in Chaos After Disastrous Debate, Incoherent Remarks

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

The Biden campaign is reportedly in turmoil following the president's disastrous debate performance last week. According to sources, staffers are "freaking the f*** out" as they struggle to come up with a strategy to salvage the campaign.

Symone Sanders, a senior adviser to the Biden campaign, suggested that the president should be put in more town halls and other events where he can interact with regular people. However, many on the right are skeptical that this will help, given Biden's past behavior when confronted with questions.

In recent appearances, Biden has snapped at staffers who asked him questions, gotten visibly angry with a citizen who asked him about gun control, and shuffled away from reporters without answering questions. It is unclear how putting him in more of these situations will improve his image.

The president's incoherent remarks on extreme weather earlier this week have only added to the concerns about his ability to lead. Despite having a teleprompter, Biden struggled to keep his remarks straight and made several bizarre statements. He also insulted Americans who don't buy into his climate change narrative, calling them "really dumb."

The Biden campaign's troubles come as the president's approval rating continues to slide. According to a recent poll, only 38% of Americans approve of the job he is doing, while 57% disapprove. This is the lowest approval rating of any president at this point in their term since polling began.

As the campaign struggles to regain its footing, many on the right are questioning whether Biden is up to the task of leading the country. With the election just a few months away, it remains to be seen whether the Biden campaign can turn things around.
