Trump Launches 'Black Americans for Trump', Criticizes Biden on Immigration

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 9 days ago

Former President Donald Trump addressed a predominantly black audience in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, emphasizing his commitment to securing the border and criticizing President Joe Biden's handling of immigration. Trump, who was warmly welcomed by the crowd, launched his "Black Americans for Trump" coalition and positioned it as a response to a similar group backed by the Biden-Harris campaign.

During his speech at the policy and awareness roundtable at 180 Church in Detroit's inner city, Trump addressed the migrant crisis and its impact on the black community. He argued that illegal immigrants are taking jobs from American citizens, particularly those in the black community. Trump also criticized Biden for his role in the controversial 1994 crime bill, which expanded policing and incarceration measures.

Trump's stance on immigration resonated with many attendees, who expressed frustration with the perceived unfair treatment of the black community. Republican Congressman John James, the lone black congressman representing Michigan, emphasized the importance of strengthening the Black middle class to uplift the community and make America great again. Former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson also stood by Trump, debunking the false narratives of his alleged racism.

Trump's promise to address the migrant crisis struck a chord with the crowd. He reiterated his commitment to securing the border during the "People's Convention" of Turning Point Action, vowing to conduct the largest deportation operation in American history on day one of his administration. Trump also highlighted the recent arrests of eight suspected terrorists with ties to ISIS by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), alleging that many of these individuals entered the United States through Joe Biden's open border policy.

The event showcased Trump's continued appeal and commitment to addressing the concerns of minority communities, solidifying his stance against illegal immigration and in favor of bolstering opportunities for Americans, regardless of background.
