House Acts to Stop Taxpayer Dollars Funding Taliban

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 94 days ago

The House of Representatives is taking action to prevent American taxpayer dollars from funding the Taliban. The No Tax Dollars for the Taliban Act, introduced by Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), is expected to pass today with bipartisan support.

The bill aims to force the State Department to report on which countries send aid to the Taliban that also receive U.S. assistance. It would also require the secretary of state to weigh if the countries receiving American dollars should continue to do so.

The bill comes in response to the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan under the Biden administration, which left a power vacuum that the Taliban quickly filled. The Taliban has since ruled with an iron fist, and there is evidence to suggest that tens of millions of U.S. dollars in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan may have ended up in their hands.

Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, recently held a hearing in which he admonished the State Department over several expenditures he found egregious or lacking proper oversight. He cited a $500,000 grant to promote atheism in Nepal as an example.

Mast also criticized the Biden administration for sending more than $2.8 billion to Afghanistan since the Taliban took power in August 2021, with tens of millions of dollars of that money going directly into the hands of the Taliban.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has called on the Biden administration to take immediate action to prevent U.S. taxpayer dollars from going to the Taliban.

The bill is expected to pass under suspension of the rules, which means it is generally referred to as noncontroversial legislation. It is hoped that there are still at least a few Democrats who do not support funding terrorists to the detriment of innocent people.

The Taliban has shown no regard for human life, as evidenced by the suicide bombing that killed thirteen U.S. military members and dozens of Afghans at the Kabul airport as the last plane left. It is unacceptable for any U.S. funding to benefit the Taliban, and the Biden administration must take immediate action to prevent this from happening.


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