Boebert Triumphs in Colorado GOP Primary Amid Controversies

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

Rep. Lauren Boebert has trounced her rivals in the Colorado Republican primary for the Fourth District, securing her spot as the GOP candidate for Congress for a third time.

With 43 percent of the vote, Boebert led her nearest opponent by almost 30 points with 70 percent of the vote in.

Boebert, who currently represents the third district, opted to run in the fourth district, which is a much more conservative area. In 2022, she narrowly defeated her Democratic challenger in the third by fewer than 600 votes.

The congresswoman was first elected to the House in 2020 when she upset Republican incumbent Rep. Scott Tipton. Since then, she has been a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump. In May, she was one of several Republican lawmakers to make the trek to New York for his criminal trial.

Boebert has been a controversial figure, with much of her personal drama playing out in the public realm. Last year, she filed for divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences” and at one point had a restraining order against him. In September, Boebert was kicked out of a theater during a production of Beetlejuice for vaping. After initially denying she had vaped, security camera footage showed that the congresswoman vaped and was particularly handsy with her date. Earlier this year, Boebert’s ex-husband alleged she punched him multiple times.

Despite her controversies, Boebert remains popular among conservatives. In her victory speech, she promised to close the southern border, put an end to “indoctrination and critical race theory and comprehensive sex ed,” and support former President Donald Trump.

Boebert’s popularity and reputation overshadowed the race, with many voters seeing her as the surest bet to counter the “intentional downfall” of the country.

“She has a history. She's definitely a bulldog in terms of trying to get things done. She's doing the right things to help our country,” said Gene Shields, 62, outside a polling station in Windsor.

Boebert’s move between districts was meant to save her political career. In 2022, she nearly lost her re-election bid in her original district. The move to the Fourth District, where Republicans are significantly stronger, was a strategic one.

Boebert has been a prolific fundraiser, with much of her campaign haul coming when she was still running for reelection in the 3rd District. However, her fundraising slowed as the scandals piled up.

Despite her controversies, Boebert remains a formidable force in the GOP. Her victory in the primary is a testament to her popularity among conservatives and her ability to weather personal and political storms.
