Biden's Debate Disaster: Fitness for Office Questioned

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

Joe Biden's frailty on full display during CNN presidential debate, raising concerns about his fitness for office.

In a shocking display of physical and mental infirmity, President Joe Biden struggled to stay focused and coherent during the CNN presidential debate on Thursday night. The 81-year-old leader of the free world spoke in faint, broken tones and at times seemed to blank out entirely, prompting widespread concern about his ability to continue serving as president.

Even Donald Trump seemed to put a lid on his usual mockery, perhaps recognizing the gravity of Biden's decline. At one point, after Biden stumbled over his words, Trump snuck in a jibe: "I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said, either."

Biden's mental faculties seemed to betray him at several points during the debate, as he stalled and struggled to complete his thoughts. At one point, he even fluffed an attack on Trump over his lack of physical prowess, saying "You can see he is six feet five and only 224 pounds. Or 20... 30... five pounds."

The president's physical appearance was also a cause for concern, as he looked "white as a sheet" and his voice was puny, bordering on inaudible. At times, he was flat-out expressionless, leading one observer to compare him to "those painted eggs where they have sucked out everything inside."

The Democratic establishment has been accused of moral infirmity for forcing a frail man onto the world stage in order to maintain their grip on power. Even the liberal media, which had previously dismissed concerns about Biden's age and health as "fabricated crap," began to express doubts about his ability to continue serving as president.

In the wake of the debate, Democratic strategists reportedly began discussing the possibility of replacing Biden ahead of the election. However, many have accused the party of hypocrisy for ignoring the signs of Biden's decline for so long.

As the debate concluded, shocking footage emerged from behind the scenes showing Biden struggling to exit the stage, clasping his wife Jill's hand as he trundled gingerly down a set of small steps. The president then stopped off at a fast-food joint for a bite to eat, where he was confronted by patrons over his sorry showing.

The incident has raised serious questions about Biden's fitness for office and the future of the Democratic Party. With the president's health and mental acuity in doubt, it remains to be seen whether he will be able to continue serving as leader of the free world.
