DOJ Attempts 'Terrorism Enhancement' Charge on Conservative Figure's Son

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 days ago

Breaking news: The Department of Justice (DOJ) attempted to charge the son of conservative media figure Brent Bozell III with "terrorism enhancement" for his involvement in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot, Bozell revealed in an interview with Breitbart News.

Bozell, the founder and president of the Media Research Center, had remained silent about his son's case until his sentencing, fearing that any public statements could be used against him. He described his son as not overtly political but among those who believed the 2020 election was stolen.

Bozell's son admitted to entering the Capitol on January 6 and breaking two windows. However, he did not anticipate the prosecution's attempt to hit him with an assault charge against a police officer, despite no evidence of such an attack. The footage of the incident was too grainy to determine if Bozell's son even touched the officer.

The prosecution argued that Bozell's son was impeding and interfering with the police officer's duty by being at the front of the line, which led to a guilty verdict for assault. Bozell's son initially did not protest the other charges, except for obstruction.

On the eve of sentencing, the prosecution charged Bozell's son with "terrorism enhancement," claiming his actions were an act of terrorism. Bozell described this charge as "incredible" and pointed out that his son had no criminal record higher than a traffic offense.

The judge ultimately refused to accept the new charge, and Bozell's son was not convicted of terrorism enhancement. However, Bozell noted that the gravity of the charge was significant, as it could have resulted in a sentence of up to 27 years in prison.

Bozell also pointed out that others, including Peter Navarro, faced similar charges and threats of lengthy prison sentences. He expressed concern that those who pled guilty early in the process may have regretted their decision once they realized the severity of the potential consequences.

Bozell's revelation highlights the ongoing controversy surrounding the prosecution of individuals involved in the January 6 Capitol riot. While some argue that those who participated in the riot should be held accountable for their actions, others question the severity of the charges and the potential political motivations behind them.
