Trump's 2024 VP Shortlist: Carson, Burgum, Rubio, Vance, Donalds

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 101 days ago

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, speculation about who former President Donald Trump will choose as his running mate is at an all-time high. According to Wayne Allyn Root, a close friend of Trump and a frequent guest on his TV and radio shows, there are seven finalists being vetted by the US government.

Root believes that Trump may pick Dr. Ben Carson, a former brain surgeon and HUD Secretary, as his VP. Carson is a highly intelligent and likeable figure who would be a safe and steady choice for the ticket. However, Root notes that Carson may not be the most exciting pick, and that Trump may be looking for someone who can energize the base and bring out new voters.

Another potential pick is Governor Doug Burgum, who is also a safe and steady choice with no negatives. Burgum is a successful businessman and a strong supporter of energy independence, which could help Trump make the case for defeating inflation. However, like Carson, Burgum may not be the most exciting pick.

Senator Marco Rubio is also being considered, and he would be the first Hispanic in history on a presidential ticket. Rubio is a prolific fundraiser and an excellent communicator, but his voting record has raised some concerns among conservatives. Root notes that Rubio's Heritage Foundation rating is only 67% in this Senate session and 81% lifetime, which is not as high as some other potential picks.

Root's top two picks for VP are JD Vance and Congressman Byron Donalds. Vance is a true conservative patriot with a 93% Heritage rating, and he would be an excellent choice for energizing the Midwest and winning Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Donalds, on the other hand, is a young, dynamic, and telegenic black conservative with a 100% Heritage rating. Root believes that Donalds could help Trump make history by winning 40% or more of the black vote.

In the end, only Trump knows who he will choose as his running mate. But Root's analysis provides some valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each potential pick. As the election approaches, Trump's choice for VP will be one of the most closely watched decisions of the campaign.


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