DeSantis Vows to Fight: 'Wrong to Mutilate Minors'

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 101 days ago

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vows to fight gender transitions for children, calling it "wrong to mutilate minors."

In a recent press conference, Governor DeSantis defended his administration's decision to appeal a federal judge's ruling that struck down a 2023 Florida law blocking "gender-affirming care" for minors.

The law, which was designed to protect the innocence of children, was challenged by a federal judge who argued that transgender people are constitutionally entitled to the treatment they need.

However, Governor DeSantis made it clear that the Sunshine State is not done fighting.

"It's wrong to mutilate minors. It is wrong. It is wrong to perform a sex change on a 16-year-old. You're not allowed to get a tattoo, but somehow, you can have your privates cut off. Give me a break," DeSantis said.

The Florida governor expressed confidence that the law will be overturned because it is rooted in "truth" and has already been decided on appeal.

"There's no question it'll be reversed. Think about it. When the Founding Fathers were creating the Constitution, and when the first Congress passed the Bill of Rights, or even when they pass the Reconstruction amendments in the 1860s, do you think a single person involved in that thought that there was a constitutional right to do this genital mutilation?" DeSantis asked.

DeSantis also blasted critics who say the state should not use tax dollars to fight. In reality, he said, they are "saying that any liberal judge should be able to veto the policy of the state of Florida because they go to the same judges every time."

"We lose almost every time, and then we win on appeal almost every time. That's what happened. So if you're not willing to defend Florida's duly enacted statutes against liberal jurisprudence," DeSantis said, "then you're basically saying the people of Florida shouldn't govern themselves and that we should just turn over our destiny to some trial judge somewhere."

DeSantis made it clear he refuses to sit idly by and allow that.

"We're going to stand up for protecting the innocence of these kids," DeSantis continued, reminding listeners that it is impossible to change basic biology.

Emphasizing that the state will win the case on appeal, as it has already been decided at that level, DeSantis continued, "How you're born is what you are, and so I think it's about, are we going to be rooted in truth as a society or not. And if we're rooted in truth, then you would say of course you can't do the surgeries, because it's not going to take and transform somebody that's a male into a female. So we'll win that appeal. We may win it very quickly given that the 11th Circuit has already adjudicated this case going forward."

"Absolutely, we are going to defend the people of Florida. I am not going to turn over the destiny of this state to liberal judges," the governor vowed.

DeSantis's stance on this issue is in line with conservative values and has been praised by many on the right. The governor has been a strong advocate for protecting children and has made it clear that he will not back down from this fight.


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