Massachusetts Bill Promotes Child Trafficking, Missouri Donors Betrayed by Affirmative Action Ban

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 days ago

Breaking news: The Massachusetts House of Representatives has taken a significant step towards further chaos by unanimously passing a bill that would help mothers sell their children. The bill, known as the "Parentage Equality Act" (H4672), has been met with criticism from conservative groups who argue that it promotes the buying and selling of children through a radical surrogacy regime.

The bill allows for a cash transaction to be made after a woman has become pregnant, allowing her to auction off her child to the highest bidder as long as the agreement is cemented before the child is born. The loose wording of the bill makes things even stickier, as it could allow a woman to accept money in exchange for sex as long as she conceives and then relinquishes her parental rights so the father could raise the child.

Emma Waters, a surrogacy expert at The Heritage Foundation, has called the bill "one of the most egregious attacks on women, children, and the family in recent years." She argues that the bill offers yet another incentive for women to be terrible mothers, opening the legal door for them to become well-compensated human traffickers of their own children.

The bill also gets rid of words like "mother" and "father" on birth certificates, replacing them with new names such as "acknowledged parent," "alleged genetic parent," "donor," "genetic surrogate," "gestational surrogate," "intended parent" and "presumed parent." This has been criticized by conservative groups who argue that it erases the traditional family structure.

Meanwhile, in Missouri, university donors have expressed feelings of dismay that they can no longer keep white students from applying for minority-related scholarships. The Supreme Court of the United States struck down affirmative action for college admissions, and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey sent a letter to all of Missouri's state, public and private universities, telling them they must comply with the court's decision.

The donors of several endowments expressed their concern, saying they feel "betrayed" by the change. Financial aid awarded $12.3 million with a "race and ethnicity" component for the 2022-2023 year, making up 2.3% of all financial aid for the school's main Columbia campus and 6.7% for the St. Louis campus.

In other news, a handful of RINO Republicans voted with the Democrats to maintain and expand wasteful DEI positions in the Pentagon. This decision betrays the core conservative values of limited government and merit-based hiring. The six Republicans who voted for DEI nonsense are Mike Turner (Ohio), Tom Kean (New Jersey), Lori Chavez-DeRemer (Oregon), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pennsylvania), Don Bacon (Nebraska), and Jay Obernolte (California).

Historically, Americans have fiercely held politicians accountable. While we might not resort to extreme measures today, we can still fight back with our words and pens. Flood their offices with calls, emails, and letters. Let them know that their betrayal will not be forgotten and that they have failed those who put them in office. Our duty is to ensure they understand the consequences of their actions and remind them that true conservatives will not stand for their betrayal.
