House Republicans Overturn Biden's Pro-Abortion Policy in NDAA

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 days ago

Breaking news: The U.S. House of Representatives has approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) introduced by pro-life Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne.

This amendment bars the Biden Administration from funding or reimbursing service members for costs associated with abortions.

The amendment garnered support from a majority of Republicans but faced opposition from most Democrats, resulting in a vote of 214-207.

The amendment overturns the current Pentagon policy of reimbursing travel expenses for service members seeking abortions in states where it’s legal, but where the service member is stationed in a state where babies are protected from abortion.

Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life, says her group appreciates the amendment and “thanks the House Appropriations Committee for their work fighting back against the Biden administration’s radical abortion agenda.”

Biden has been under criticism for some time about his policy of allowing abortions up to birth at taxpayer-funded VA clinics across the country.

Since 1992, the Department of Veterans Affairs has been statutorily prohibited from using taxpayer dollars for abortion. In September 2022, however, the Biden administration ignored the longstanding prohibition and issued a new rule that requires taxpayers to fund abortions for undefined and presumably broad “health” reasons.

The rule also requires VA hospitals to abort unborn babies “regardless of state restrictions.” In response, attorneys general in 18 states recently sued the Biden administration for violating their laws protecting unborn babies.

Despite the opposition, Biden officials are now making the policy permanent and it was made final in a rule posted in the federal registering March. The VA has already killed dozens of babies in abortions.

There is significant concern that VA doctors and nurses will be pressured to participate in abortions. The Biden rule says VA administrators should allow them to exercise their conscience rights and opt out of participating in an abortions, but that doesn’t mean those rights will actually be respected at every VA clinic or hospital.

In other news, a private government report obtained this week in response to questions over the decision to kill over 500,000 chickens in Victoria, Australia shows that the people making the decision had no verifiable evidence of a high-risk infectious outbreak.

The chicken farms that were claimed to be infected were so distant from any possible bird source that it was unlikely or impossible to have happened without deliberate intervention or manipulation of testing.

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (“CSIRO”), the Australian equivalent of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is the closest possible source of the “outbreak” and it is not the first time they have been involved in the emergence of “new” viruses.

The chicken cull would appear to be a manufactured crisis. So who manufactured this “crisis”? Dr. Ah Kahn Syed investigates.

Finally, despite more than 900 F-35s being delivered under so-called low-late production, the Pentagon has authorized the F-35 for full-rate production that will eventually deliver more than 2,400 planes.

But the $2 trillion topline cost doesn’t tell the whole picture, as getting to that number requires reducing the number of hours each F-35 flies per year by 21 percent on average.

All of this adds up to what appears to be a work in progress that might or might not have reliable engines powerful enough to do the job sometime in the future. And with highly complex, high-maintenance, dreamed-up capabilities and technologies that have yet to demonstrate their value in any real-life combat situation, the F-35 does not inspire confidence.

Finally, does anyone really believe the $2 trillion program cost is the final word or that new engine cores will be ready to go in 2029?
