Media Reporting: From Transparency to Censorship and Suppression

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 days ago

Here's the latest on the state of media reporting and its transformation into censorship and suppression of information.

As the left-wing Media Matters for America faces a defamation lawsuit brought by Elon Musk, it's time for their donors to reconsider their investments.

Media Matters is not just an organization with questionable practices, but it represents a larger trend in media reporting.

Once a means of bringing transparency to an opaque industry, media reporting has now become a tool for censorship and suppression of right-wingers.

This shift is evident in the words of Erik Wemple, a "media reporter" for the Washington Post.

Wemple admitted that his interest in writing about Tucker Carlson was solely to get him fired, not to provide transparency or accountability.

Now that Carlson is self-employed and featured on a platform that opposes information suppression and censorship, Wemple sees no point in covering him.

Similarly, a media reporter at CNN attempted to get Carlson's national tour canceled, demonstrating the extent to which media reporting has become a means of censorship.

This trend is not limited to individual reporters.

The media news site Mediaite recently hosted a video chat with Democrat ABC News anchor and former Clinton White House official George Stephanopoulos.

During the chat, Stephanopoulos and the host bemoaned the difficulty of doing live TV interviews with Donald Trump, not because he's a lousy guest, but because he doesn't shrivel into a mummified fetus every time a corny TV anchor calls him a liar.

This is a clear example of journalists and news anchors making themselves the arbiters of what ideas and arguments the public is allowed to hear.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump's campaign, super PACs, and the RNC have raised about $420 million in aggregate since Trump's New York conviction.

This surge in financial support for Trump is a response to concerns over the weaponization of the criminal justice system.

As former House Speaker Newt Gingrich noted, if they can do this to a billionaire nominee of a major party who's already been president, think what they can do to the average truck driver.

This fundraising success is a testament to the support Trump still enjoys among the American people.
