Denmark Study Shows Fertility Drop, Colleges Bypass Applications, CA Bans Parental Notification on Gender Transitions

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 days ago

Here's the latest on several topics making headlines today:

A new study from Denmark has revealed a disturbing trend in male fertility rates.
The study, which analyzed semen samples from 7,000 men aged 18 to 45, found that both motile sperm concentration and total motile sperm count (TMSC) decreased significantly among those accepted and rejected as donors.
The decline in motile sperm (sperm capable of independent movement) greatly concerned the researchers, who noted that this has potential implications for human fertility.

The study found that motile sperm concentration dropped by 16 percent, and TMSC by 22 percent, among the entire donor pool, and by 17 percent and 21 percent among those accepted as donors.
The drop was only seen between 2019 and 2022, the final three years of the study.
The researchers suggested that lifestyle changes brought on by lockdowns could have played a role in the decline, but were unable to link any specific factors to their observations.

Colleges are "admitting" students even before they apply in order to bolster minority numbers, according to a new report.
The practice, known as "direct admissions," allows high school students who maintain a passing grade to bypass SAT testing, essay requirements, application fees, and other paperwork to go straight into second-tier regional colleges.
Promoters of the plan say it saves time, resources, and paperwork for schools, especially "lower-tier" academies where officials struggle over enrollment declines and pandemic-era cost increases.
However, critics argue that the plan undermines the importance of academic achievement and intellectual performance.

California lawmakers have voted to advance legislation to ban school districts from notifying parents about social gender transitions at school without the student's permission.
The bill, which is backed by Attorney General Rob Bonta, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, ACLU California Action, and the California Teachers Association, aims to "provide a supportive environment where [students] can figure out who they are."
Opponents of the bill argue that it undermines the "foundational role" of parents and the crucial partnership between parents and educators.
They also argue that the state should not "put up a wall" between children and their parents, stressing that "the state does not own our children."
