Biden DOJ's Double Standard: Garland Escapes Contempt Charges

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 days ago

Here's the latest on the political front: The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) has decided not to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland for contempt of Congress, despite his refusal to furnish audio recordings of interviews with special counsel Robert Hur to Congress. This decision has sparked outrage among Republicans, who argue that the DOJ is playing favorites and protecting its own.

In a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson, Assistant Attorney General Carlos Felipe Uriarte stated that the DOJ has a longstanding position of not prosecuting officials for contempt of Congress when they decline to provide subpoenaed information subject to a presidential assertion of executive privilege. However, this precedent was not extended to Dr. Peter Navarro or Stephen K. Bannon, both of whom were sentenced to jail time due to a congressional contempt charge made by the January 6th committee.

Meanwhile, a new political migration strategy inspired by the Free State Project (FSP) is gaining traction among gun owners. The FSP, founded in 2001, aims to move 20,000 libertarians to a single low-population state to tip its political balance and turn it into a bastion of libertarianism. The project has had a noticeable impact in New Hampshire, where more than 6,000 people have moved since 2003.

Now, Second Amendment advocates are considering a similar strategy, with the goal of making it harder for an anti-Second Amendment presidential candidate to win an election. The idea is to find swing states with the narrowest margins of victory and migrate some "wasted votes" from adjacent strong Second Amendment states. This strategy could make a significant difference in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, where the margin of victory was less than 1% in the last presidential election.

Finally, a recent article from Granite Grok highlights the importance of personal responsibility and morality in politics. The article argues that politicians should focus on keeping their "zipper up and their legs crossed" rather than engaging in scandalous behavior. This message resonates with many conservatives, who believe that character and integrity are essential qualities in a leader.

In conclusion, the Biden DOJ's decision not to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland for contempt of Congress has angered Republicans, who see it as a double standard. Meanwhile, a new political migration strategy inspired by the Free State Project is gaining traction among gun owners, with the goal of making it harder for anti-Second Amendment candidates to win elections. And finally, the importance of personal responsibility and morality in politics is being emphasized by conservatives, who believe that character and integrity are essential qualities in a leader.
