Cruz Warns: Rise in Terrorist Threats Under Biden

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 1 hour ago

**Danger** looms on the horizon as terrorist threats rise to unprecedented levels, a stark warning echoed by U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas in a recent interview.

Cruz declared we are “living on borrowed time” concerning potential major terrorist attacks, stating that the situation has deteriorated significantly since the attacks on September 11, 2001.

With the recent events—including the October 7 attack on Israel—Cruz pointed to the Biden administration's policies as a major factor making Americans less safe.

He emphasized the "disastrous foreign policy" of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, underscoring the alarming flow of over $100 billion to Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Cruz further criticized the current administration’s open border policies, warning that they serve as an invitation for terrorists to enter the U.S. unimpeded.

“Kamala Harris and Colin Allred’s open border policies have created incredible lapses in vetting and screening illegal aliens,” he remarked, pointing to the alarming increase of unvetted migrants entering the country.

Reports indicate that the Biden administration has flown more than half a million migrants, many from countries linked to increased terrorism, into the United States.

Cruz, who is currently in a competitive race against Allred for his Senate seat, highlighted previous successes under the Trump administration when illegal immigration reached a record low.

He is adamant that the solution to these escalating threats lies in removing Biden and Harris from power, calling for a Republican resurgence in Congress to secure the border effectively.

The senator also cited warnings from security experts about the current vulnerabilities within airport checkpoints, mirroring concerns raised prior to the 9/11 attacks.

As the shadows of terrorism loom larger, Cruz is rallying support around the idea of reinstating the safety measures that once succeeded in keeping Americans secure, fostering a vision of a safer future under strong Republican leadership.


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