Courageous NYU Player Fights Back Against Attacker

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

A shocking incident of sexual violence unfolded last week in Chelsea, New York, where a courageous New York University (NYU) softball player, Alexa Very, took matters into her own hands and fought back against an attacker.

While jogging in a supposedly safe neighborhood, the 19-year-old sophomore was inappropriately grabbed by a man who targeted her in broad daylight.

In a display of sheer determination, Very punched her assailant twice in the jaw, causing him to fall to the ground and allowing her to escape.

Very's self-defense not only protected her from further harm but also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of personal safety and the right to defend oneself.

Feeling the immediate effects of adrenaline, she later realized that her resolve had come at a cost—she had fractured her hand during the altercation.

In a reflection on the experience, she stated, "I needed to protect myself. I don’t think he was expecting me to punch him."

This incident has highlighted a disturbing trend in urban crime that many parents and citizens are understandably concerned about.

The fear of violence, especially against women, raises urgent questions about the safety measures in place across our cities.

Very reported the assault to the NYPD, who are currently investigating the attack.

It's puzzling that, despite growing concerns about public safety, many local leaders still seem hesitant to confront the increasing violence directly.

Moreover, responses from authorities have been insufficient in addressing the emotional aftermath that victims like Very endure.

In sharing her story on social media, Very aims not only to raise awareness about the realities of urban assaults but also encourages others to stand strong against violence.

Her narrative underscores the empowerment that comes from self-defense, challenging the notion that victims should always adopt a passive stance when faced with aggression.

As debates around safety and crime continue, let her brave example be a catalyst for conversations about personal rights, justice, and the necessity for proactive solutions to urban crime.

More than just a story of survival, it is a call to action for individuals to take their safety seriously and for governments to prioritize the security of their citizens in the face of rising threats.

As the investigation unfolds, we must support victims like Very and advocate for policies that enhance public safety and foster a culture where self-defense is encouraged and defended.


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