Republican Congressman Invokes 25th Amendment on President Biden

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

Republican Congressman Introduces Resolution to Invoke 25th Amendment on President Biden

Republican Congressman Chip Roy has introduced a resolution that calls on Vice President Kamala Harris to convene the cabinet and declare President Joe Biden unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office of the president. This comes after President Biden's disastrous debate performance last week, which has kicked off a firestorm in Washington and around the country about whether Biden should remain the Democrat nominee for president.

Congressman Roy's resolution is based on the observation that President Biden does not have the ability to discharge the powers and duties of the office of the president, particularly that of commander in chief. This is evident in his recent lapses, such as losing train of thought during the debate, wandering off during a G7 summit, and falling onstage at the Air Force commencement. These lapses are becoming increasingly common, according to the White House.

The resolution is not just a political move, but a constitutional one. The 25th Amendment provides for the removal of a president who is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office. It is a measure that was put in place to ensure that the country is not led by someone who is incapable of fulfilling their duties.

While some on the political right argue that removing Joe Biden from office would only help Democrats politically in November, Congressman Roy argues that this is a largely academic argument. The president can simply resign, and Congress cannot do anything unless Vice President Kamala Harris pulls the trigger. If Democrats cave to media pressure, it would be regardless of a Republican call to invoke the 25th, not because of it.

The political truth is that Donald Trump will overwhelmingly defeat either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris in the upcoming election. The American people are tired of the failed policies of radical progressive Democrats propping up a Manchurian candidate while they drive up inflation, endanger Americans with open borders, and weaponize government against us. President Trump loves America, he doesn't hate it, and that is what is on the ballot this November.

It is not just about whether or not one political party should swap out a candidate who cannot win an election. This is about whether or not a man who struggles to form a cohesive sentence should have the nuclear launch codes. The current presidential term will last another 200 days until noon on January 20, 2025. During that time, there will be myriad issues that fall under the president's authority as chief magistrate, chief diplomat, and commander in chief of the armed forces.

Alexander Hamilton wrote in The Federalist No. 70 that it was necessary to have what he called "energy in the executive," i.e. a properly empowered president under Article II. This would be "essential to the protection of the community against foreign attacks; it is not less essential to the steady administration of the laws; to the protection of property against those irregular and high-handed combinations which sometimes interrupt the ordinary course of justice; to the security of liberty against the enterprises and assaults of ambition, of faction, and of anarchy."

The resolution introduced by Congressman Roy is a call to uphold the Constitution and ensure that the country is led by someone who is capable of fulfilling their duties. It is a call to do what is right for our national security and the constitutional order. It is a call to ensure a resounding victory at the polls.
