Poll Reveals Doubts on Biden's Cognitive Health, Raises 25th Amendment Questions

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 90 days ago

Doubts surround Joe Biden's cognitive health and ability to serve as President.

In a recent CBS News Poll | YouGov, registered voters expressed doubts about President Joe Biden's mental and cognitive health to serve as President. The poll, conducted after the recent Presidential debate, revealed that only twenty-seven percent (27%) of respondents believed that Joe Biden's mental and cognitive health was sufficient to serve as President. This is a significant decrease from thirty-five percent (35%) of registered voters who reported that they believed Biden had the mental and cognitive health to serve as President in June 2024.

The poll also revealed that seventy-two percent (72%) of Americans thought Joe Biden did not have the mental faculty to be the nation's Chief Executive Officer. In February 2024, the survey asked registered Democratic voters if Joe Biden should be running for a second term. Thirty-six percent (36%) of respondents reported No. After the debate, the "No" vote increased by ten percentage points to (46%).

The pollsters asked after the debate why Joe Biden shouldn't be running for office. Seventy-one percent (71%) said decisions he might make while in office, sixty-six percent (66%) said his record as President, and fifty-nine percent (59%) said his inability to campaign effectively.

These poll results raise concerns about Joe Biden's ability to serve as President and his ability to make decisions in a crisis that demands immediate attention. Despite these concerns, no one in the Biden cabinet has the fortitude to invoke the 25th Amendment.

The 25th Amendment states that "Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."

Section 4 of the Amendment continues to lay out the procedural methods and proofs required to remove an incapacitated President when they display an inability to perform the duties of the Chief Executive.

Despite these concerns, Joe Biden remains the Democratic Party's Presidential nominee. However, the pundits and Democratic Party operatives are cycling through replacements for Joe Biden at the top of the Presidential ticket. All these potential candidates unquestionably support the same Neo-Marxist Democratic Party policies currently strangling America and troubling our allies.

As Gerard Baker said in his op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, "It should be we, the voters, who get to deliver the verdict on the last four years, not a bunch of has-beens, time-servers, and fat donors. We should have the opportunity to say what we think about a party and a president who, even as they lectured us for four years about the importance of honesty and the sanctity of democracy, were engaged in an extended act of deceit that itself represents pure contempt for the democratic process."

In conclusion, the doubts surrounding Joe Biden's cognitive health and ability to serve as President raise serious concerns about his ability to make decisions in a crisis. Despite these concerns, no one in the Biden cabinet has the fortitude to invoke the 25th Amendment. The Democratic Party should consider replacing Joe Biden as their Presidential nominee, but all potential candidates support the same Neo-Marxist policies that are currently harming America. It is up to the voters to deliver the verdict on the last four years and decide who should lead our country.


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