Trump Decimates Biden on Charlottesville Lie in Heated Debate

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden faced off in a heated CNN presidential debate on June 27th. The debate was marked by several tense exchanges, with Trump decimating Biden on the Charlottesville lie.

Biden, who appeared to be in a state of confusion throughout the debate, brought up the Charlottesville lie, claiming that Trump had called neo-Nazis and white supremacists "very fine people" in 2017. However, this claim has been debunked by Snopes, which stated that Trump had actually condemned those groups.

Trump, who was quick to point out the lie, decimated Biden in his response. He stated that Biden did not run for president because of Charlottesville, but rather because it was his last chance. Trump went on to say that Biden was not equipped to be president and that his presidency was "without question, the worst."

The debate was a disaster for Biden, who appeared to be arguing against himself at times. He claimed that he never said Charlottesville was why he ran for president in 2020, despite the fact that he had said it repeatedly. This lie, which has been debunked repeatedly over the years, is now coming back to haunt him.

The debate was a clear victory for Trump, who was able to expose Biden's lies and weaknesses. It remains to be seen how this will impact the upcoming election, but one thing is clear: Biden's performance in the debate was a train wreck.
