Biden's Aides Reveal Alarming Cognitive Decline Symptoms

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

Biden's Aides Accidentally Reveal His Possible Cognitive Decline

White House aides have raised concerns about President Biden's cognitive abilities and his capacity to carry out his duties for another four years, according to a report from Axios.

The report, based on interviews with eight current and former Biden Administration aides, revealed that some aides are questioning whether the president can continue to function after his performance at Thursday's debate.

The aides described instances of Biden's absent-mindedness, freeze-ups, slurred words, and wide-eyed facial expressions during the debate. They also noted that Biden's rally in North Carolina on Friday, which still featured freeze-ups and blank stares, has calmed some staff members.

However, the report made a stunning revelation about the symptoms of Biden's cognitive decline. According to White House staff, Biden's cognitive abilities are affected by the time of day. From 10 am to 4 pm, Biden is dependably engaged, and many of his public events are held within those hours. Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued.

Increased confusion and cognitive decline in evening and nighttime hours is a common symptom of Alzheimer's and Dementia known as "sundowning." According to the Alzheimer's Association website, sundowning is increased confusion that people living with Alzheimer's and dementia may experience from dusk through night.

The report noted that Biden's campaign aides were confident that he was prepared for Thursday's debate and felt he would do well. However, the debate was a disaster, and there are varying opinions on the extent of the damage.

The revelation of Biden's possible cognitive decline has raised concerns about his ability to carry out his duties as president for another four years. Some Democratic leaders and members of the media have called for him to step down, while others say he should stay in the race.

In a related incident, Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, was caught on camera arguing with a man at an airport who asked her if President Joe Biden should step down following his performance at the CNN presidential debate. Kaptur initially ignored the man, but then he continued to talk to her as she got on an escalator. The man asked her, "Why has the White House been lying about Joe Bidens' cognitive abilities?" Kaptur later appeared to grab the phone, resulting in the man snapping at her. She responded, asking him, "What is your name?" and "Where do you live?" The back and forth continued until Kaptur finally answered, "no," saying that Biden shouldn't step down.

The incident highlights the growing concern among some Democrats about Biden's cognitive abilities and his capacity to carry out his duties as president. While some Democratic leaders and members of the media have called for him to step down, others say he should stay in the race.

The revelation of Biden's possible cognitive decline and the incident involving Rep. Kaptur have raised questions about Biden's ability to carry out his duties as president for another four years. It remains to be seen how this will affect his campaign and the upcoming election.
