Biden's Disastrous Debate: Fitness for Office in Question

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

President Joe Biden's performance at the recent presidential debate has raised serious concerns about his fitness to serve another term. The debate, which took place on Thursday, June 27, was a disastrous showing for the President, who appeared confused, agitated, and unable to complete his thoughts without contradicting himself or trailing off.

From the moment he entered the CNN studio, Biden seemed disoriented and mumbled to himself. Throughout the debate, he hurled half-finished sentences and false information at former President Donald Trump, who at times appeared concerned for Biden's well-being.

"I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don't think he knows what he said either," Trump remarked at one point in the conversation, echoing the thoughts of millions of Americans watching at home.

Biden's campaign strategists have attempted to explain away his poor performance by blaming a cold, but the damage has already been done. The reviews of Biden's debate performance have been almost universally negative, with many commentators expressing shock and disbelief at the President's inability to articulate his thoughts clearly.

The debate has also raised questions about Biden's mental fitness to serve as President. With the world watching, Biden's vulnerability was on full display, and it is clear that he is no longer the same man who was elected in 2020.

The debate has also highlighted the need for Republicans to start talking about the 25th Amendment, which provides for the removal of a President who is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. If Democrats try to replace Biden as their candidate, Republicans must be prepared to make them own the reason why.

In conclusion, the debate on Thursday, June 27, was a disaster for President Biden, who appeared confused, agitated, and unable to complete his thoughts. The debate has raised serious concerns about Biden's fitness to serve another term and highlighted the need for Republicans to start talking about the 25th Amendment.
