White House Cancels Meeting: Consequences for Netanyahu's Video

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 93 days ago

The White House cancels meeting with Israel in protest over Netanyahu's video

The White House has canceled a high-level U.S.-Israel meeting on Iran that was scheduled for Thursday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video on Tuesday claiming the U.S. was withholding military aid, according to two U.S. officials.

The video, in which Netanyahu spoke in English, declared that it was "inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel."

The White House expressed bafflement at the claims made in the video. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre noted that only one weapons shipment had been paused since the war began, while billions of dollars of weapons had flowed unimpeded. "We genuinely do not know what he is talking about," she said.

However, some Israeli officials were already en route to Washington when the meeting was cancelled. Two U.S. officials told Axios the meeting was canceled to send a message about the video. A third claimed the meeting was postponed rather than canceled, due to a scheduling issue.

The cancellation of the meeting has further strained relations between the Biden administration and Netanyahu's team, which are more strained now than at any point in the eight months since the war in Gaza began on Oct. 7.

This is the second time a meeting of the Iran strategic dialogue was canceled at the last minute. In March it was Netanyahu who pulled the plug, after the U.S. declined to veto a UN Security Council resolution that included a reference to a ceasefire in Gaza.

The Biden administration's decision to cancel the meeting is seen as a way to send a message to Netanyahu and the Israeli government about the consequences of pulling such stunts.

"This decision makes it clear that there are consequences for pulling such stunts," a U.S. official said.

"The Americans are fuming. Bibi's video made a lot of damage," a senior Israeli official said, using a nickname for Netanyahu.

The cancellation of the meeting is a blow to the U.S.-Israel relationship, which has been strained in recent months over the issue of Iran. The U.S. and Israel have been at odds over the best way to deal with Iran's nuclear program, with the U.S. pushing for a diplomatic solution and Israel advocating for a more aggressive approach.

The cancellation of the meeting is also a setback for the Biden administration's efforts to repair the damage done to the U.S.-Israel relationship during the Trump administration. The Trump administration was widely seen as being too close to Israel, and the Biden administration has been working to restore the balance in the relationship.

The cancellation of the meeting is a reminder of the challenges that the Biden administration faces in dealing with Netanyahu and the Israeli government. The two sides have been at odds over a number of issues, including the issue of settlements in the West Bank and the peace process with the Palestinians.

The cancellation of the meeting is also a reminder of the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship. The two countries have a long history of cooperation on a wide range of issues, including security, intelligence, and technology. The U.S. and Israel are also close allies in the fight against terrorism.

The cancellation of the meeting is a setback for the Biden administration's efforts to build a strong relationship with Israel. However, it is important to remember that the U.S.-Israel relationship is a complex one, and that there will be ups and downs in the relationship. The two countries will continue to work together on a wide range of issues, and the U.S. will continue to support Israel's security and its right to defend itself.


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