COVID Vaccines Pose Potential Cancer Risks, Experts Warn

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 4 hours ago

**Warning: COVID Vaccines Linked to Cancer Risks, Experts Say**

In a shocking revelation that could alter the narrative surrounding COVID-19 vaccinations, a prominent molecular virologist has confirmed that mRNA vaccines, particularly from Pfizer and Moderna, contain levels of cancer-causing elements that far exceed regulatory safety limits.

Dr. David Speicher's extensive research, commissioned for an Australian federal court case, unveiled concerning levels of synthetic plasmid DNA contamination in the vaccines.

His findings indicate that the contamination found in the vaccine vials ranged from 7 to a staggering 145 times the allowable limit established by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia’s equivalent of the FDA.

One vial from Moderna showed contamination levels reaching an alarming 1,460 ng per dose.

Among the dangerous synthetic DNA elements detected, the presence of SV40, known for its potential to integrate into human DNA, raises significant questions about the long-term safety of these vaccines.

This investigation coincides with earlier warnings from experts, including Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, who testified before Congress that the vaccines could lead to serious health issues like cancer and birth defects.

Such critical findings challenge the narratives promoted by health authorities and emphasize the necessity for transparency regarding vaccine safety.

Regulatory bodies like the FDA and TGA have downplayed these risks, countering that the levels of residual DNA pose no safety threat.

However, many in the medical community are calling for a deeper exploration of these findings and their implications for public health worldwide.

The time for accountability is upon us as parents and individuals must examine the risks presented to them, especially during a time when decisions about vaccinations were often clouded by political agendas rather than robust scientific evidence.

This powerful research underscores the necessity for individuals and families to be informed advocates for their health choices, especially when it comes to the rapidly evolving landscape of vaccine safety.


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