Biden Ignored Iranian Hack, Threatens Electoral Integrity

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

**Outrage: Biden-Harris Campaign Ignored Iranian Hack on Trump Team**

In an alarming revelation, reports have surfaced that the Biden-Harris campaign failed to inform the FBI about Iranian hackers who targeted the Trump campaign to steal sensitive information.

This is not merely a tactical error. It raises serious questions about the integrity of the Biden administration in handling foreign threats to our electoral processes.

According to recent findings, this egregious oversight allowed Iranian operatives to provide stolen vetting materials from the Trump campaign to the media and to elements within the Biden-Harris camp. This betrayal could be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to manipulate the election narrative.

Morgan Finkelstein, a national security spokeswoman for Vice President Kamala Harris, asserted that the campaign cooperated with law enforcement. However, the truth is that they chose to remain silent in the face of a foreign government's attack—a move that many are calling suspicious at best and treacherous at worst.

Such negligence could have severe repercussions. Americans deserve to know where their leaders stand when faced with foreign interference. The notion that the sitting administration opted not to alert the FBI is troubling, suggesting a troubling complacency or potential complicity.

Importantly, the Biden-Harris campaign's narrative of being the “real victims” does little to mask the reality that crucial information was withheld from law enforcement during a time of crisis. The campaign’s failure to act could lead one to wonder about its motives and its commitment to protecting the American electoral landscape against foreign encroachment.

Moreover, the mainstream media has largely ignored this story, opting instead to focus on sensationalized narratives that serve their agendas. The selective reporting on foreign cyber threats underscores the bias that permeates modern journalism.

As voters look ahead to the elections, this incident could weigh heavily on perceptions of trustworthiness regarding the Biden administration. A government that turns a blind eye to foreign threats is a government that does not have the best interests of its citizens at heart.

Americans are hopeful that, with strong leadership from figures like Donald Trump, our national security can be restored and that future elections will be safeguarded from any semblance of foreign meddling. The upcoming election will be crucial in determining whether this administration continues to shield itself from accountability or if it finally faces the consequences of its failures.


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