Trump received 'nuclear option' in unprecedented NYC civil fraud case, says Turley

Posted 72 days ago


Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley said Wednesday on "FOX & Friends" that former President Trump was subjected to the "nuclear option" by a New York City judge and the state's Attorney General Letitia James. The constitutional scholar reacted to James' statement that New York will "ask the judge to seize [Trump's] assets" if he does not pay the more than $350 million penalty.

JONATHAN TURLEY: The statute hasn't been used in this way against an individual where there wasn't a crime, the company didn't go bankrupt, the loans were paid off and everyone made money. Even The New York Times couldn't find, in decades, a case that really looked like this one and that's not too surprising. You have an attorney general who ran on the pledge to bag him for something. So this was the ‘something’ she came up with.

The argument of the court is it was still fraud, even though you didn't cost anyone a dollar. … Because overvaluing or undervaluing property is very common in the real estate area. But even if you accept that this is fraudulent, the question is why this nuclear option, why this, in effect, a public execution? And the glee that people are expressing that he might have a fire sale of his properties really shows the discomfort that many of us have with this opinion.... (Read more)