CEO of erectile dysfunction, hair loss treatment brand mocked for offering jobs to anti-Israel students

Posted 84 days ago


Investors, CEOs and commentators trashed Hims & Hers founder and CEO Andrew Dudum on social media Wednesday after he praised the "moral courage" of the anti-Israel protesters creating havoc on college campuses nationwide.

Dudum, whose company provides telehealth services and prescription medication for issues such as hair loss, erectile dysfunction, and skin problems, posted an encouraging message on X to the protesters, telling them to keep demonstrating and to not worry about future employment.

"Moral courage > College degree. If you’re currently protesting against the genocide of the Palestinian people & for your university’s divestment from Israel, keep going. It’s working," he said. "There are plenty of companies & CEOs eager to hire you, regardless of university discipline."

Dudum provided a link for these protesters to apply to his company.

The CEO’s message ran counter to a variety of business executives who have threatened they'd never hire anti-Israel students who have participated in controversial campus demonstrations.

In response to a letter from Harvard students criticizing Israel’s treatment of Gazans just days after the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas against Israel, Pershing Square Capital Management head Bill Ackman said he would refuse to hire any of these students.

Dozens of other business executives backed Ackman’s announcement last year, and others have made similar statements about students participating in the ongoing protests on campus.

Dudum’s support for the anti-Israel college students did not go over well on X, with many accounts criticizing him for the statement.

Conservative Seattle radio host Jason Rantz ripped the post and encouraged his followers to look for companies besides Hims for their medication.... (Read more)

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