FTC's Attack on Musk Signals Dangerous Government Overreach

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

**Collusion Exposed: FTC's Targeting of Elon Musk Reflects Growing Government Overreach**

In a disturbing trend of governmental overreach, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), under Biden-appointed Chair Lina Khan, has been accused of weaponizing its authority against Elon Musk’s Twitter.

Recent reports from the House Judiciary Committee reveal that Khan hastily imposed a consent decree on Twitter, coinciding suspiciously with Musk's acquisition of the platform.

Documents indicate that this decree had been in the pipeline for three years but was expedited immediately following Musk's takeover announcement.

Critics argue this haste demonstrates a blatant attempt to undermine Musk's efforts to foster free speech on the platform.

Not only did the FTC levy over 350 information requests against Twitter, but they also demanded documents that exceed the scope of the consent decree.

This heavy-handed approach raises questions about the agency's commitment to its principles of governance, suggesting that it may be more focused on punishing dissent than ensuring fair business practices.

The House Judiciary report claims that Khan's actions aimed at Musk’s Twitter were less about regulatory compliance and more about stifling the platform's newfound commitment to transparency post-acquisition.

Republican members of the committee expressed grave concerns over the FTC's actions, characterizing them as a form of harassment rather than sincere regulatory oversight.

They noted that Khan even refused to delay vote approvals, disregarding the traditional three-week review period, citing an urgency tied directly to Musk.

This episode illustrates the troubling relationship between government agencies and private platforms, wherein the power of bureaucratic oversight is being used to silence opposition voices.

Moreover, the report highlights the broader implications of this behavior for free speech in America.

As Government and Big Tech increasingly work together to control narratives, Americans are left questioning the integrity of the information they receive.

In light of this situation, it is imperative for citizens to remain vigilant against the growing tendency of the state to meddle in the affairs of private companies and individuals.

Khan's aggressive tactics represent a clear danger to civil liberties and serve as a wake-up call for all who value free speech in this nation.

With the upcoming election, it is crucial to keep scrutiny on both bureaucratic institutions and the tech giants that shape public discourse.


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