Lax Immigration Policies Endanger American Families and Children

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

A grave incident in New York City has shone a spotlight on the dangers posed by lax immigration policies.

Manuel Delgado, a 43-year-old Peruvian migrant and suspected pedophile, was found hanged in Pelham Bay Park earlier this month.

The shocking circumstances surrounding his death bring to light not only the tragic fate of the individual involved but also the serious implications of the current administration's immigration practices.

Delgado allegedly took his own life after being confronted by a family member about years of sexual abuse against an underage relative.

Reportedly, he had been under investigation for some time as a dangerous individual residing in the U.S. under the asylum program, raising critical concerns about the effectiveness of vetting procedures for asylum seekers.

This incident is not isolated. Under the Biden-Harris administration, reports of criminal activities by migrants, particularly those involving children, have surged.

The alarming case of Jeovany Alfaro Lopez, an illegal alien from El Salvador charged with serious sexual offenses against minors, underscores a growing trend of the administration's failure to prioritize the safety of American citizens and vulnerable populations.

Moreover, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has notably refrained from addressing the victims or their families affected by such heinous acts under this administration.

Her silence on the repercussions of dismantling Trump-era border policies, including the "Remain in Mexico" program, has left many wondering about the party's commitment to public safety.

As the nation grapples with these issues, it’s imperative to recognize that the erosion of stringent border enforcement is endangering American families.

The broader implications for policy reform on immigration and child protection are more pressing than ever.

In an era where the safety and welfare of children should be a priority, it becomes essential to advocate for policies that ensure potential threats are kept at bay.

These developments call for accountability and a re-evaluation of the current administration’s approach to immigration.

It's time for American leaders to put citizens first and safeguard the rights of the most vulnerable among us.


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