Texas Exposes Alarming Crisis of Criminal Noncitizens

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Crisis: Texas Reports Over 443,000 Criminal Noncitizens Booked in Jails**

In an alarming revelation, the Texas Department of Public Safety has documented over 443,000 criminal noncitizens booked into local jails over the past 13 years.

This data exposes a critical issue in the ongoing debate about immigration and public safety.

From June 2011 to September 2024, individuals who are unlawfully present in the United States were charged with a staggering array of criminal offenses, including violent crimes such as homicide, assault, and sexual offenses.

Among the nearly 314,000 individuals identified as being in the country illegally, there were reported charges totaling over 546,000 offenses.

This includes more than 1,000 homicide charges and over 70,000 assault charges, raising serious questions about the implications of weak immigration policies under the current administration.

The Texas report also highlights how many of these criminal noncitizens had previous encounters with law enforcement prior to identification of their immigration status, calling into question the effectiveness of current border control measures.

It’s evident that the issue of illegal immigration is not just a matter of policy but a direct threat to the safety and security of American communities.

With increasing crime rates tied to this demographic, it becomes increasingly difficult to argue against strong measures aimed at securing the border and enforcing immigration laws.

As the Biden-Harris administration continues to downplay the situation at the southern border, evidence of widespread criminal activity by individuals not legally authorized to be in the country underscores the urgent need for reform.

Texans are justifiably concerned as they absorb these unsettling statistics, which pose a clarion call for stronger crackdowns on illegal immigration.

In light of these findings, the juxtaposition between the current administration's approach to immigration and the stark realities faced by communities across Texas speaks volumes.

Americans must ask whether they can trust a leadership that appears more interested in pandering to political allies than protecting its citizens.


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