Hezbollah's Terror Funding Exposed: A Call to Action

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Unveiled Terror Finance: Hezbollah’s Hidden Reservoirs of Wealth Exposed by IDF**

In a startling revelation, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have disclosed the precise location where Hezbollah is hoarding vast sums of gold and cash, funds crucial for its terrorist operations.

IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari laid bare Hezbollah’s intricate financial network, detailing how this Iranian-backed organization exploits both its own people and foreign sources to maintain its terror agenda.

In a recent video, Hagari stated, "Tonight, we’re exposing Hezbollah’s financial network and how it uses these funds to finance its attacks."

Hezbollah's financial apparatus is heavily reliant on two main pillars: money from the Iranian regime and contributions from Lebanese citizens. The so-called Al-Qard al-Hasan Association acts as the group's primary financial arm, providing financial services while masking its connection to terrorist activities.

Hagari underscored the illegitimacy of this operation, noting that the Association has been sanctioned by the United States and other Western nations for its role in Hezbollah’s financing.

The Iranian regime's involvement cannot be overstated. Remarkably, Hagari revealed that Iranian Quds Forces funnel money to Hezbollah from oil sales in Syria and utilize clandestine means, including cash transfers via planes to the Iranian embassy in Beirut, highlighting a direct link between Tehran and these terrorist entities.

As tensions in the region escalate, the IDF has launched a series of precise airstrikes targeting facilities tied to Hezbollah in Lebanon, including a well-hidden vault loaded with cash and gold allegedly positioned beneath a hospital in Beirut.

Hezbollah's blatant disregard for international norms was further exposed when it was revealed that they constructed a sophisticated underground bunker right below the Al-Sahel Hospital. This defiant act shows a strategic leverage of civilian infrastructure to protect its operations while posing significant humanitarian risks.

Hagari made it clear that Israel holds no animosity toward the Lebanese populace, directing his message specifically at Hezbollah: "We are at war with Hezbollah, and we will continue to operate against it so that the residents of Northern Israel can return to their homes in safety and security."

As the IDF continues its offensive against Hezbollah's financial strongholds, it serves as a necessary reminder of the complexities involved in global terrorism funding and the urgent need for decisive action against entities that undermine peace and stability in the region.

The ball now lies firmly in the court of both regional players and international stakeholders. Will they step up to confront the reality of Hezbollah’s operations, or will the hidden financial networks of terror continue to thrive unchecked? The path ahead remains fraught with challenges, but the unmasking of Hezbollah's financial schemes is a critical step toward thwarting future attacks.


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