Kamala Harris’s Fracking Flip-Flop Exposed Before Election

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 7 hours ago

**Exposed: Kamala Harris Flips on Fracking Just Weeks Before Election**

In a stunning display of political inconsistency, Vice President Kamala Harris has once again backtracked on her previously stated position regarding hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking.

As the clock ticks down to the 2024 presidential election, Harris has suddenly abandoned her support for the expansion of fracking leases in the United States.

This change comes after her campaign previously touted her commitment to the fossil fuel extraction method, a position she vehemently defended during her 2019 presidential run.

Notably, Harris asserted she would eliminate fracking within her first day in office back then, championing her record on the issue during her tenure as California Attorney General and Senator.

However, just weeks before the election, her campaign issued statements that skirt the issue altogether, stating, "She’s just said that they wouldn’t ban fracking..."

This shift raises questions about her true intentions and her ability to stand firm on economic policies that impact American energy independence.

A recent report from The National Pulse underscores Harris's struggle with transparency on the issue, highlighting that she misled the public about her stance during previous debates.

In an environment where American families are confronting rising energy costs and uncertainty, Harris’s apparent indecision could be seen as a lack of leadership in a crucial area affecting millions.

As the election approaches, voters are increasingly seeking candidates who demonstrate reliability and a clear vision for energy independence and job creation.

In this regard, Harris's flip-flopping on fracking could prove detrimental, not only to her campaign but also to the Democratic Party's chances in energy-rich states like Pennsylvania.

With Trump firmly establishing himself as a candidate who embraces traditional energy practices, the contrast with Harris's uncertain policy positions continues to grow clearer.

Time will tell if this latest misstep will resonate with voters who value energy reliability as they head to the polls in less than three weeks.


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