America's Nuclear Defense: Urgent Action Required Now

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago


The United States is staring down a concerning reality: the potential for a nuclear first strike by adversaries like Russia and China.

Congressman Don Bacon, a retired Brigadier General and member of the House Armed Services Committee, sounding the alarm, asserts that America’s nuclear defense capabilities have drastically deteriorated since the Cold War.

Bacon, who once commanded America's airborne nuclear command post Lookout Glass, highlights a significant shift in military strategy that could leave the nation exposed.

In the years following the Cold War, the decision was made to ground the Lookout Glass aircraft, reducing America's airborne deterrent capabilities. Now, with ground-alert aircraft on standby, the geopolitical landscape has evolved dramatically, increasing the risk of surprise attacks.

The lack of preparation heightens vulnerabilities, particularly as modern hypersonic missiles and advanced anti-satellite technologies emerge, giving adversaries the ability to incapacitate U.S. defenses before a reaction can take place. Unlike the Soviet threats of the past, today’s weapons are terrifyingly effective and timely, allowing enemies to counter U.S. forces with minimal warning.

Bacon points to the inadequacy of America’s current 15-minute warning time, stating that historical instances show that strategic warning from intelligence sources often fails to materialize in time to mount an effective response. This immediate threat is compounded by the reduced size of the U.S. aerial fleet available to maintain continuous airborne alert, making a rapid reaction even more unlikely.

Dismissing complacency within the current administration, Bacon argues that the nation must invest in revitalizing a robust airborne command structure. A mere fraction of the defense budget could restore necessary components to safeguard U.S. interests, ensuring that there will always be someone in command in the face of a nuclear crisis.

In stark contrast, while the seriousness of nuclear deterrence must be acknowledged, the administration appears to be hesitant and underestimates the implications of a diminished nuclear posture. This raises critical concerns that the nation may be betting its future on outdated policies.

With mounting tensions on the global stage, especially surrounding the ongoing situation in Ukraine, America cannot afford to treat nuclear strategy as a secondary issue.

The absence of robust defenses could lead to catastrophic consequences.

It is time for leaders in Washington to take action to ensure that the U.S. is prepared, capable, and above all, secure against those who may seek to undermine its sovereignty and safety.


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