Biden-Harris Administration's Dangerous Mismanagement Exposed

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 7 hours ago

**Incompetence Defined: The Biden-Harris Administration’s Dangerous Missteps**

As the world watches Israel engage in a critical operation against Hamas, the Biden-Harris administration, particularly Vice President Kamala Harris, has once again demonstrated a dangerous lack of judgment.

In a stunning display of mismanagement, Harris openly warned Israel against entering Rafah, where Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was ultimately located. This warning was not only misguided but also emblematic of the administration's failure to support one of America's closest allies during a time of existential threat.

Harris’s advice to temper military actions in favor of “targeted strikes based on intelligence” reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of military strategy. Israel’s successful operation to capture Sinwar, who has long been a central figure in the terror organization, highlights the ineffectiveness of the Biden approach.

Under the Biden administration, Israel has faced mixed messages and a lack of firm support in its fight against terrorism. By demanding restraint, Harris and her team essentially conflated diplomacy with weakness, jeopardizing not only Israeli lives but American interests in the region as well.

One of the critical failures of the current White House is its inability to grasp the nature of the threat posed by Hamas and similar groups.

The call for more nuanced military engagement might sound appealing, yet the reality is often far more complex. It is through decisive action that Israel was able to locate and confront one of its most formidable enemies—a feat that would likely have remained unattainable had the operations been limited as suggested by Harris.

The Biden-Harris administration has consistently exhibited a reluctance to adopt a robust stance against terrorism, whether in Israel or elsewhere globally. Their misguided approach echoes previous failures in Afghanistan and Yemen, where a lack of coherent strategy ultimately undermined American objectives and led to tragic outcomes.

As the world reflects on this controversial administration, it’s evident that strong leadership and a clear resolve are essential in combating those who threaten both regional and global security. The wisdom of Donald Trump’s policies—which prioritized unwavering support for allies and decisive military action—stands in stark contrast to the current administration's hesitancy and miscalculations.

In light of such glaring incompetency, the voters must reconsider the path forward. The stakes have never been higher.


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