House Democrats Desperate: Reviving Old Attacks on Trump

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 5 hours ago

**Desperation on Display: House Democrats Target Trump with Old Attacks as Election Day Approaches**

In a move that underscores their desperation, House Democrats have launched yet another unfounded attack against Donald Trump, just weeks before the crucial 2024 election.

This time, they are reviving a tired narrative, accusing the former president of overcharging Secret Service agents for their stays at his now-defunct hotel in Washington, D.C.

The House Oversight Committee released a report alleging that Trump charged the Secret Service excessive rates for hotel rooms during his presidency.

However, this is not new information, nor is it a reflection of any wrongdoings on Trump's part.

Democrats had to dig deep into the past, back to 2017, to resurrect these claims in an effort to undermine Trump's momentum heading into the election.

In the 58-page report, the committee argues that Trump’s hotel treated stays by Secret Service personnel as a “government ATM withdrawal opportunity.”

But such claims only illustrate how far the Democrats will go to distract voters from the issues that truly matter.

This latest focus on the Secret Service payments is not only an attempt to vilify Trump but also highlights the lack of tangible accomplishments from the Democrats themselves.

In reality, the Supreme Court previously dismissed emoluments clause lawsuits against Trump, ruling in 2021 that there was no merit to these allegations.

This dismissal should have signaled an end to the legal harassment Trump faced, but House Democrats appear unwilling to let the matter rest.

As Election Day draws nearer, it is evident that desperation is fueling these attacks.

Instead of focusing on policies and real issues facing American families, the Democratic Party continues to rely on discredited claims from years past.

Voters are not likely to be swayed by recycled allegations that have already been proven baseless.

As Trump continues to rally support across the country, the truth is becoming clearer: the American public is ready for a leader who champions their interests, not one who resorts to tired tactics of deceit and distraction.

This upcoming election is not just a battle for policy, but a stand against the character assassinations that have become all too common from the left.

With each passing day, Donald Trump remains a true contender, while Democrats scramble to regain any semblance of credibility.


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