Mainstream Media Ignores Violence Against Conservatives Unfolding

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Threatening Atmosphere: Violence Against Conservatives Ignored by Mainstream Media**

Recent events in Yarmouth, MA, have brought to light a disturbing trend of violence and threats aimed at prominent Conservative figures, including former President Donald Trump, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Across a building in Yarmouth, death threats scrawled in public view reveal the lengths to which some individuals will go in expressing their disdain for those who hold Conservative values.

This brazen act of intimidation underscores a chilling atmosphere for those who champion America First ideals, yet it has gone largely unnoticed by the mainstream media.

It raises critical questions: why the silence?

The media's selective coverage of violence often targets conservatives, painting them as provocateurs instead of victims.

The sheer audacity of vandalizing a public space with such threats demonstrates a gap in accountability, highlighting a broader trend of aggression against individuals who simply express dissent against the liberal agenda.

Meanwhile, the intolerance from the political left seems to find little condemnation from mainstream outlets, who often prioritize narrative over truth.

As Conservatives face these attacks, it is essential to recognize and address this cycle of escalating violence and the media's complicity in downplaying its severity.

This incident may be just one among many that signal an urgent need for a national dialogue on free speech and the treatment of conservatives in America.

If we allow threats like these to normalize, we risk creating an environment where opposing viewpoints are not just dismissed but are actively targeted through violence.

It's high time we demand accountability from those who push the narrative while simultaneously ignoring the threats and attacks facing Conservative leaders in our nation.


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