Biden-Harris Administration's Inept Response to Hurricane Helene

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

**Disaster Response: Biden-Harris Administration Fails to Learn from History**

As Hurricane Helene devastates parts of the Southeastern United States, the Biden-Harris administration's response is raising alarming parallels to the missteps of past administrations—specifically, the infamous failures surrounding Hurricane Katrina.

While the nation watches the aftermath unfold, many are questioning Vice President Kamala Harris’s commitment to her role during this time of crisis.

Harris was notably absent during critical hours, prioritizing high-dollar fundraising events in California over immediate disaster response efforts.

As she mingled with wealthy donors, communities were left to fend for themselves in the wake of destruction.

After days of misery, her delayed arrival and lack of engagement have drawn sharp criticism.

It took Harris six days to visit the disaster zone, closely mirroring George W. Bush’s infamous detachment during Hurricane Katrina, when he waited several days before heading to the affected areas.

This lack of urgency is dangerous, especially when compared to measures taken before Helene struck, such as FEMA's pre-positioning of essential assets across several states.

However, the effectiveness of these preparations has been called into question.

The true toll of Hurricane Helene appears to be hidden behind a veil of inadequate federal response and media silence.

Reports indicate that FEMA has stretched its resources thin, allegedly diverting funds to handle the border crisis instead of focusing on disaster relief.

Eyewitness accounts from those on the ground reveal that FEMA agents are overwhelmed and unable to assist victims effectively.

Many affected individuals have turned to private organizations for the help that the government should be providing.

Even retired military personnel on-site have reported that FEMA is more of a hindrance than a help, with critical rescue operations interrupted for photo opportunities staged by political leaders.

The silence from the Biden-Harris administration in the face of widespread suffering is deafening.

As Republicans prepare to mobilize for the upcoming elections, the ongoing failure of the current administration could well resonate with voters looking for accountability and effective leadership.

Ultimately, the impact of Hurricane Helene may have lasting implications for Kamala Harris, as many Americans will likely remember her decision to prioritize fundraising over fulfilling her responsibilities.

In the midst of tragedy and destruction, the American public deserves leaders who will engage proactively, rather than campaign passively.


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