Biden's Border Chaos: A Threat to National Security

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 5 hours ago

**Chaos Unleashed: Biden's Dangerous Border Policies Put National Security at Risk**

The Biden administration's handling of border security has entered alarming territory, with recent reports revealing an alarming infiltration of potential national security threats.

Under the direction of Vice President Kamala Harris, who serves as the so-called "border czar," more than 1.7 million unvetted immigrants have crossed into the United States since 2021.

This shocking figure does not account for the additional millions of illegal immigrants who have either evaded capture or entered without proper documentation.

According to a recent report by the House Judiciary Committee, among those unvetted individuals, at least 382 have been flagged as having ties to terrorism.

This alarming statistic underscores the failures of the Biden-Harris border policies, which have been criticized for prioritizing unregulated entry over the safety of American citizens.

During the fiscal year 2024 alone, at least 100 individuals on the U.S. government’s terrorist watchlist were encountered by Border Patrol agents, raising serious concerns about who is being allowed to settle in our communities.

The report also notes that the Biden-Harris administration has actively concealed the troubling consequences of its open-borders approach.

A former high-ranking Border Patrol official testified before Congress that he was instructed not to disclose any information regarding the potential risks posed by special interest aliens—immigrants from countries categorized as security threats.

In a specific incident, the administration allowed Mohammad Kharwin, an illegal alien from Afghanistan on the terrorist watchlist, to be released into the United States, only to later discover his dangerous status.

Further complicating the situation, the Department of Homeland Security has admitted that being an illegal immigrant from a special interest country does not impact an individual’s admissibility into the United States.

This oversight raises serious questions about the administration's commitment to protecting American citizens from potential threats.

As the situation at the border becomes increasingly chaotic, it’s clear that the Biden administration's policies are failing.

With national security at stake, the American public deserves answers and action, not continued negligence from those in power.

The consequences of these policies could have long-lasting implications for the safety and security of our nation.


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