Harris Faces Unprecedented Challenges Among Arab American Voters

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

Kamala Harris is in trouble.

Recent polling reveals alarming signs for the vice president as her campaign grapples with shocking shifts among traditionally Democratic constituencies, particularly Arab American voters.

A new poll conducted by the Arab American Institute shows Harris in a virtual tie with former President Donald Trump, with 42% of Arab American voters supporting Trump and 41% backing Harris.

This marks a significant change from previous elections, as Arab Americans historically leaned Democratic.

The Biden-Harris administration's handling of the ongoing Gaza crisis appears to be a pivotal issue driving this shift.

While Arab American support for the Biden-Harris ticket has dropped to 41%, this figure is a stark 18 points lower than the support Biden enjoyed in 2020, when 59% of Arab Americans voted for him.

The poll indicates that a whopping 81% of Arab Americans consider the Gaza conflict an important factor in their voting decision, further emphasizing the dissatisfaction with the current administration's approach.

Many Arab Americans feel that the Biden administration has not sufficiently advocated for Palestinian civilians amidst the conflict, prompting a reevaluation of their political loyalties.

The decline in enthusiasm among Arab American voters is particularly troubling for the Harris campaign. Only 63% express excitement about voting in the upcoming election, a substantial decrease from previous turnout rates.

Among younger voters in this demographic, enthusiasm is even more pronounced, with only 55% feeling motivated to participate in the election.

This lack of engagement could pose significant risks for the Democratic ticket, traditionally relying on high turnout rates from Arab American voters.

Furthermore, both Harris and Trump have been advised that enhancing their stances on Gaza could yield substantial support from these voters.

The election is just around the corner, and the stakes have never been higher for the Biden-Harris campaign as they face mounting challenges within the Democratic base.

Harris must tread carefully to re-establish connections with a crucial voting bloc that is showing signs of disillusionment. The competition is tightening, and with the former president gaining momentum, the Harris campaign has reason to panic.


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