Biden's Iran Policy: A Dangerous Foreign Policy Failure

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 1 hour ago

**Dangerous Miscalculations: Biden’s Iran Policy Endangers Global Security**

The recent vice presidential debate highlighted a startling lack of understanding surrounding the current threat posed by Iran, particularly under the Biden-Harris administration.

Moderator Margaret Brennan claimed that "Iran is weakened" due to the current administration's policies.

However, this assertion couldn't be further from the truth.

Republican Senator JD Vance of Ohio boldly pushed back, emphasizing that Iran is indeed stronger now than it was under former President Donald Trump.

Under Trump, stringent sanctions were imposed on Iran, crippling its economy and limiting its access to global markets.

In stark contrast, the Biden administration has dismantled many of these sanctions, giving Iran billions in assets and access to lucrative oil markets.

With these resources, Iran has not only resumed its provocations against Israel but has also accelerated its nuclear ambitions.

The Biden-Harris team’s approach to international relations has consistently prioritized appeasement over strength.

This was evident when they pressured Israel to make significant concessions to Lebanon, allowing Iranian proxies to benefit strategically and financially.

Moreover, the administration’s decision to appoint Robert Malley as a special envoy to negotiate with Iran was a risky move, given Malley’s questionable track record with classified information.

Biden has also demonstrated a clear lack of support for Saudi Arabia, Iran's primary regional rival, which has emboldened Tehran to act provocatively without fear of repercussions.

Despite recent missile attacks on Israel from Iran, the U.S. response has been tepid at best.

Instead of showing unwavering support for America’s allies, the Biden administration seems more concerned with promoting a narrative of peace that is far removed from the reality on the ground.

This pattern of behavior allows Iran to threaten global shipping lanes and undermine American interests while moving dangerously closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon.

As Vance noted, Israel is now forced to confront Iran more fiercely than ever, but this is a direct consequence of the Biden administration’s lackluster strategy in the region.

It’s clear that the Biden-Harris administration’s claims of a weakened Iran are not only misguided but dangerously naive.

Americans must be vigilant and recognize the substantial risks posed by such policies, fearing that the next administration will have to address the fallout from these miscalculations.


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