Trump Promises Stronger Border Security for American Jobs

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago


In a compelling display of Trump's unwavering commitment to border security, the former president addressed a crowd during a recent Town Hall in Warren, Michigan.

He tackled the pressing issue of illegal immigration head-on, engaging with constituents like Nico, a laid-off auto worker, who voiced his frustration about competition from illegal immigrants for American jobs.

Trump wasted no time outlining his plans to "close the wall" and secure the southern border, stating, "We built hundreds of miles of wall and did it well."

He highlighted the stark contrast between his administration's successes in controlling immigration and the current administration's failures, citing alarming figures that suggest more than 21 million individuals have entered the U.S. during President Biden's term, with many having criminal histories.

The former president noted that under Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, a staggering number of criminals have been allowed to roam free—reportedly over 425,000 with previous convictions.

This raises serious concerns about public safety and the well-being of American workers, who bear the brunt of the consequences.

While Trump is rallying for a return to tougher immigration policies, Harris seems to be out of touch, choosing to make a rare visit to the border just one month before an election.

Her presence appears more photo opportunity than genuine concern, leaving many to question her dedication to addressing the border crisis.

As Trump continues to shine a light on the consequences of unchecked immigration, it becomes increasingly clear that voters are looking for leaders who prioritize the safety and prosperity of American citizens.

Amid chants expressing support for his plan, Trump emphasized the need to bring jobs back to American workers, reinforcing his message that restoring safety and opportunity in the job market is imperative.

While the Biden administration may shy away from addressing these critical issues, Trump's approach resonates with those directly affected by these policies, making it clear that the fight to protect American jobs and communities is far from over.


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