Federal Judge Fights Campus Censorship of Conservatives

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Censorship on Campus: Judge Strikes Down Unconstitutional Fee Against Conservative Speech**

In a critical victory for free speech on campus, a federal judge has halted the University of New Mexico’s attempt to impose an exorbitant security fee on a conservative student organization hosting prominent women's sports advocate, Riley Gaines.

The ruling, issued by District Judge David Urias, comes in response to the university's plan to charge Turning Point USA more than $5,000 for security during Gaines’ event, claiming the fee was necessary to maintain order.

However, the judge recognized the fee as a blatant violation of First Amendment rights, emphasizing that such financial barriers serve only to silence conservative voices on campuses, where liberal viewpoints often dominate.

"This decision sheds light on the alarming trend of political discrimination and suppression of conservative speech at universities," Gaines remarked, illustrating how excessive fees are weaponized against those with differing opinions.

Turning Point USA's chapter leaders expressed gratitude for the judge's decision, which they view as an affirmation of their right to engage in open discourse. They highlighted the disparity in treatment between conservative events and other activities on campus, such as a recent drag show that incurred no security fees.

This ruling resonates beyond New Mexico, striking at the heart of a troubling national trend in which universities increasingly impose financial hurdles aimed at conservative groups while enabling left-leaning organizations to operate freely.

As judicial scrutiny continues to mount against such practices, this ruling underscores a growing acknowledgment among the judiciary that the First Amendment is not merely a privilege but a fundamental right that must be fiercely defended, particularly in the hallowed halls of academia.

Conservative advocates foresee this decision as a vital step towards ensuring that college campuses revert to being bastions of free thought and diverse opinions, rather than echo chambers for liberal ideologies.


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