Biden's Cronyism with Big Tech Ignites Energy Concerns

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

**Cronyism or Collaboration? Biden Administration’s Cozy Relationship with Big Tech Raises Red Flags**

In an alarming display of cronyism, the Biden administration has again aligned itself with powerful tech executives to address an emerging energy crisis exacerbated by the growing demand for artificial intelligence.

This latest collaboration took place earlier this month in a meeting featuring high-profile government officials alongside leaders from companies like Alphabet, Amazon Web Services, and OpenAI.

While the White House seems to tout these partnerships as innovative solutions to the energy-intensive needs of AI, critics argue they indicate a troubling trend of government overreach and ineffective policy-making.

The Biden administration announced plans to invest in data center infrastructure projects and create a permitting council aimed at streamlining the permit process for AI data centers.

This move raises eyebrows, especially considering that the energy sector remains heavily reliant on fossil fuels, a fact that seems conveniently overlooked as the administration pushes for green energy initiatives.

Despite the massive demand surge for data centers—predicted to grow by 160% by 2030 according to Goldman Sachs—the administration continues to demonstrate an alarming commitment to renewable energy sources that lack the reliability needed for such high consumption rates.

The irony lies in the fact that these Big Tech firms, who are now cozying up to government leaders, have long benefited from regulations targeting smaller competitors in the marketplace, illustrating a clear case of “state buy-in” that favors entrenched interests over free-market principles.

Compounding the issue is the Biden administration's insistence on achieving net-zero carbon emissions—an ambitious goal that critics argue could hinder rather than help the solutions needed for the energy crisis at hand.

This approach to energy reform begs the question: Is the alliance between Big Tech and the administration addressing the fundamental energy crisis, or merely allowing big businesses to manipulate governmental powers to gain further control over the market?

This partnership highlights a troubling blend of governmental influence and corporate interest that, rather than solving pressing issues, could lead to inefficiencies and barricades hindering America's economic and energy independence.

Only time will tell if this latest venture will open the doors for true innovation or, instead, reinforce the status quo that has benefited a select few at the expense of many.

As the country approaches crucial elections, it remains vital for voters to scrutinize these collaborations and understand their implications for America’s future.


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