Iran's Assassination Plots Against Trump Threaten Democracy

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Threatened by Terror: Iran's Ongoing Assassination Plots Against Trump**

In a shocking revelation that underscores ongoing threats to national security, former President Donald Trump has been briefed on specific assassination plots against him orchestrated by the Iranian regime.

The alarming news was confirmed by Trump's campaign, which stated that the Director of National Intelligence has identified "ongoing threats from the Iran terror regime."

This intelligence comes at a critical time as the former president intensifies his campaign efforts in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

Trump, a front-runner in the Republican primary, is scheduled for six campaign events this week, showcasing his determination to fight for the American people despite these grave dangers.

“We cannot allow external forces to destabilize our nation or interfere in our electoral process,” declared communications director Steven Cheung.

He emphasized that the Iranian regime’s plans are an attack on democracy itself, designed to sow chaos and undermine Trump’s steadfast leadership.

“The Iranians are terrified of the strength and resolve of President Trump,” Cheung added, highlighting the former president's commitment to making America great again.

In a recent statement, Trump asserted, “The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again.”

This troubling discourse is bolstered by recent polling data that suggests a significant portion of Americans, 65% according to Rasmussen Reports, expect further assassination attempts against Trump prior to Election Day.

These statistics reflect a growing anxiety among voters regarding the safety of their potential president, especially after the incidents earlier this year, where Trump survived two assassination attempts.

One particularly chilling episode involved an individual hiding near Trump’s golf course, demonstrating the lengths to which threats against him have escalated.

The Secret Service, which has faced scrutiny over security issues, including a disastrous incident at a rally leading to gunfire, is reportedly under pressure to ramp up protection for Trump.

“An apparent double standard” concerning security measures for different candidates, including the current Vice President, has been raised by Republican lawmakers, igniting concerns about the integrity of the campaign environment.

As investigations continue into Iran's involvement in various global plots, including targeted assassinations, calls for robust action against such threats have only intensified.

Iran's attempts to undermine American democracy must not be taken lightly. The courage and commitment of Trump to confront these external threats resonate deeply with a significant segment of the American populace.

As Trump rallies support, the stakes have never been higher for both the safety of a candidate and the future trajectory of the country.

The time for steadfastness and resolve is now.


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