Protecting Election Integrity from Non-Citizen Voting Threats

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 4 hours ago

**Election Integrity Under Siege: Democrats Downplay Non-Citizen Voting Issues Amid Growing Concerns**

As the November presidential elections draw near, a troubling issue looms large: the potential for non-citizens to influence the outcome through voting.

Despite clear evidence of thousands of non-citizen voters lurking on state voter rolls, Democrats continue to minimize this pressing concern.

While Republicans have advocated for legislative measures like the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which seeks to ensure only U.S. citizens participate in federal elections, Democrats retort that such measures are unnecessary.

They claim that non-citizen voting is already illegal and assert that the problem is largely overstated. However, numerous instances have emerged highlighting the reality of non-citizen registrations.

States such as Alabama, Arizona, and Colorado have found non-citizens on their voter rolls, often mistakenly registered through motor vehicle departments.

Municipalities in states like California have even allowed non-citizens to vote in local elections, raising alarms about the integrity of our electoral processes.

Critics argue that such lax policies threaten the very foundation of American democracy.

House Republicans recently attempted to pass the SAVE Act again, but their efforts were thwarted, largely due to resistance from the Democrats.

Five brave House Democrats did vote in favor of the bill, yet the overwhelming majority dismissed the emerging evidence, opting instead to ridicule Republican concerns as exaggerated.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and others have argued that current laws adequately protect against non-citizen voting, insisting that no widespread fraud exists.

However, evidence contradicts this claim. The approach of Democrats appears to ignore the substantial number of non-citizens discovered on voter rolls, a stark reminder of vulnerabilities in our election system.

Recent cases have been documented, including that of an illegal immigrant who voted in multiple elections after registering under a stolen identity.

Moreover, investigations indicate that non-citizens have been quietly slipping through the cracks, with registration forms showing numerous individuals self-declaring their non-citizen status yet still registering to vote.

As governmental scrutiny increases, the need for transparent voting laws becomes unavoidable.

States like Texas have worked diligently to identify and remove ineligible voters, revealing a troubling number of non-citizens who cast ballots in past elections.

With transparency and accountability from lawmakers and election officials paramount, Americans are right to demand comprehensive measures to protect the sanctity of their vote.

In a political climate increasingly rife with polarization, the integrity of our elections should remain a top priority for every citizen.

Ignoring this critical issue may lead to long-term ramifications that could further erode trust in our democratic institutions.

Now more than ever, GOP leaders must unite to ensure that only those who have the legal right to vote can make their voices heard in the electoral process.


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