Kamala Harris's Approval Plummets Among Key Voter Demographics

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 4 hours ago

In a stunning revelation that could shake the Democratic Party to its core, recent polling data shows that Vice President Kamala Harris is losing significant ground among key voter demographics, including both white and Hispanic Americans.

According to a Quinnipiac poll, Harris is trailing among white voters by a margin of 46% to 50%.

Even more alarming for the Biden administration, she is facing a steep 44% to 52% deficit among Hispanic voters.

This stark decline in approval ratings is evident, particularly as former President Donald Trump appears to be performing better among Hispanic voters than the current vice president.

Harris's support among black voters remains higher at 83%, but this is a dramatic drop compared to Barack Obama, who garnered 93% of the black vote in 2008 and 2012.

The latest data reveals that Kamala Harris is even underperforming against Joe Biden's numbers from the 2020 election, creating widespread concern within her own party.

Quinnipiac's findings indicate that Harris has an unfavorable rating of 54% among Hispanic voters, surpassing the 51% unfavorable rating among white voters.

Even among her base, enthusiasm and belief in her leadership are alarmingly low.

Only 19% of respondents believe she would make a great president, while 24% consider her a good choice, leaving a staggering 43% of Democrats unable to endorse her performance positively.

These figures highlight a pervasive doubt cast over her potential as a leader, and many see her candidacy as simply the less-desirable alternative to President Biden.

As the Democratic Party struggles with internal dissent and dwindling support for their vice president, the Republican Party's prospects appear to be brighter, capitalizing on this growing sentiment of dissatisfaction.

The dissatisfaction with Harris reflects a broader trend within the Democratic Party: voters are yearning for leadership that genuinely resonates with their needs and concerns, leaving them increasingly open to alternatives.

With the election looming closer, the implications for both parties are clear. The Republican Party must be prepared to seize this opportunity to connect with voters who feel abandoned by the current administration's leadership.

As they look ahead to Election Day, the GOP can take heart in polls that indicate a potential shift in voter behavior, signaling that change may soon be on the horizon.


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