Soros Moves to Control Radio Stations Before Election

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

**Outrageous: Soros Fast-Tracked to Control 200 Radio Stations Before Election**

In an unprecedented move that raises significant concerns for the integrity of the upcoming presidential election, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has approved a controversial deal allowing billionaire George Soros to purchase over 200 radio stations across the United States.

This fast-tracked approval process, never before seen in the history of the FCC, was executed without the customary national security review that is standard for such transactions. The commission’s three Democratic members voted in favor of the deal, while the two Republican commissioners opposed it, highlighting a clear partisan divide in what many are calling a politically motivated decision.

Critics argue that Soros’s acquisition of these radio stations—many of which host prominent conservative voices like Sean Hannity and Dana Loesch—could transform the airwaves into outlets for leftist propaganda just weeks before the pivotal 2024 election. With a 40% stake in Audacy, the company acquiring the stations, Soros is poised to exert considerable influence over what information reaches millions of listeners.

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr voiced his disapproval, questioning the need for such an expedited process. “The Commission has never signed off on something like that without first running a national security review,” Carr stated. “What’s so special about this particular transaction that merits an unprecedented shortcut at this time of year?”

Critically, this decision arrives amidst heightened scrutiny of voting integrity in America, especially concerning the registration process of noncitizens. State-level Republicans have been sounding the alarm about potential voter fraud and the reliability of voter rolls. This new development with Soros only amplifies those concerns, prompting fears that his influence could extend beyond radio broadcasts and into the very heart of electoral processes.

As Soros continues to push for political outcomes favorable to his far-left agenda, questions remain about the motivations behind these regulatory shortcuts and their implications for the Republican Party’s campaign strategies moving forward.

With the election just days away, the urgency to safeguard the voter landscape becomes increasingly crucial. Republicans are rallying to hold accountability where it matters, and uncovering the true intentions behind Soros’s latest maneuver is paramount to ensuring the integrity of our democratic processes.


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